Natasha Knoppel
Based in Holland and Suriname, Natasha was born in 1968 in Paramaribo, Suriname. She has been educated in Amsterdam and Brussels, where she studied Applied Economic Sciences and obtained her academic degree (Lic.). Natasha is an expert in Surinamese and Caribbean Art, an independent art curator & art dealer, a passionate collector of Caribbean art, and the creator of the Benedictio theme centered art projects with a focus on Cultural Heritage, Sustainability & the Environment. She is the initiator and creator of “Stadsherstels Surinaamse Maanden” (2018/2019). She is the publisher of the Benedictio art project books and for the Dubai based international business women magazine “Ladies in Business Magazine Global” Natasha writes articles on Art & Culture as a regular columnist. In 2022 Natasha has officially been appointed as Appraiser Caribbean Art. She is the chairman of the Art Appraisal and Standards Board of the Guianas and the director of The Fine Art Appraisal Bureau of the Guiana
Carola Levi
Carola successfully completed a Bachelor in Arts, Media and Society at Leiden University, a branch of Art History with a sharper focus on contemporary societal issues analysed from the perspective of the arts and media. Italian born, Carola has studied in Italy, the United States of America, and in the Netherlands. She is trilingual, fluent in Italian, English, and French. After completing an internship as Exhibition Assistant and Chief Marketing for the duration of Benedictio IV: Mighty Echo of the Amazon Rainforest – Revelations of the Guianas, Carola has been working as Executive Assistant Art Program for Natasha Knoppel Art Galleries.